Our Foundations
Statement of Faith, Church Covenant, & Constitution and Bylaws
Statement of Faith
At Lovettsville Baptist Church, our doctrine is grounded in God’s Word and evidenced in historic Christianity. Our Statement of Faith summarizes what we believe, promotes unity, and guards the church from error. It includes the Nicene Creed (325 A.D) as well as a modified version of the New Hampshire Confession of Faith (1833).
Church Covenant
Church membership isn't like joining a club for its benefits or services. Rather, it is to commit yourself to the good of that body, even as that body commits itself to your good. Our Church Covenant is a set of promises that we make to one another as members of Lovettsville Baptist Church. If our Statement of Faith is our declaration of what we believe then our Covenant is our promise to one another about what we will do.
Constitution and Bylaws
Our Constitution and Bylaws are a set of guidelines that help us function well as a church. It contains procedures and processes for adding and removing members, electing elders and deacons, and ordering the church generally – all for God's glory and each other's good.