What to Expect
Frequently asked questions about our Sunday gatherings.
Who can attend?
Anyone! Whether you are a Christian, a skeptic, or none of the above, you are welcome here. We look forward to seeing you.
What are Sunday mornings like?
We like to keep things simple - here is what to expect:
We Pray & Read
Our prayers and scripture readings follow the basic storyline of the gospel. God’s goodness, our sinfulness, God’s mercy in Christ, and our response.We Sing
Using both older and newer songs, we sing the story of the Scriptures so that the good news of Jesus will dwell in us richly.We Listen
Each week the preacher will open God’s Word, carefully explain what it says, and how it applies to our lives.We See
Two sacred sacraments show us the Word: The Lord’s Supper and baptism. At LBC, we partake of the Lord’s Supper every week.
Where do I park and enter?
At the school, park in the west parking lot. Enter through the main entrance of the school where you will be greeted by someone at the door.
What about my kids?
Kids are always welcome in our corporate gatherings but we also know how much of a blessing childcare can be. So we offer nursery (0-3) for the entire service and Gospel Project (age 4-2nd grade) which is dismissed right before the sermon. All children must be checked in by their parent or guardian before the worship service in the welcome area. All of our children’s workers have undergone a background check and look forward to serving you!
What should I wear?
Feel free to wear jeans, a suit, or whatever you're comfortable wearing.